Monthly Archive: September 2015

How to use scanf with USART 3

How to use scanf with USART

I’ve already posted how to use printf (send data to stream) on STM32Fxxx devices. Recently, I received a comment, how to use scanf function to read strings and convert them from USART. Here is a little bit more to do before it will work correct. When you call scanf function, it calls subfunction fgetc, where you return a character. This function is called until it does not return EOF (-1). And it is called very fast. If you check in this function, if...

HAL Library 27- Identification for STM32Fxxx 1

HAL Library 27- Identification for STM32Fxxx

If you wanna take a control on your software (secure your software by selecting package you want, device you want and others) you can identify STM32Fxxx device. This library allows you to read several things from device, like unique ID, flash size, package type, device type and maybe more. I’ve ported my old library to HAL based drivers, which now supports STM32F0xx, STM32F4xx and STM32F7xx series. Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features Read device type with software, Read...

HAL Library 26- Power Voltage Detector (PVD) for STM32Fxxx 1

HAL Library 26- Power Voltage Detector (PVD) for STM32Fxxx

Power Voltage Detector (PVD) can be used to detect if power voltage is below or above selected voltage. It can be used for closing file using FATFS when detected voltage below treshold so you don’t break data on card or similar thing, sky is the limit here. PVD allows you to select 8 voltages between 2 and 3 volts. For detailed voltages, check reference manual. Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features Detect voltage rise or drop with interrupt

NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz RF Module 2

HAL Library 25- NRF24L01+ for STM32Fxxx

I spent some time again porting libraries from STD drivers for F4 series to HAL drivers for STM32 series. This library is going to be about NRF24L01+ transceiver module, allowing you to send and receive data between 2 NRF24L01+ modules connected to STM32Fxxx device. Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features Send and receive data using NRF24L01+ Allows to use IRQ pin on NRF24L01+ Functions to read and clear interrupts are in API