Tagged: onewire

1-Wire over UART 0

1-Wire over UART

Today’s application mostly use somekind of operating system on microcontroller. Since these apps are not really real time anymore, keeping standard 1-Wire protocol developed with delays in software may make programmer’s life much harder and annoying. UART and 1-Wire protocols have 2 things in common: To reset 1-Wire network, we can use 9600 bauds on UART To read/write 1-Wire bit, we can use 115200 bauds on UART Detailed timings for the UART reset sequence, write/read bit can be found on...

HAL library 06- DS18B20 for STM32Fxxx 19

HAL library 06- DS18B20 for STM32Fxxx

When you have onewire library done, it’s easy to make interface for DS18B20 sensors. Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features Search sensors Read temperature Set resolution for each device from 9 to 12 bits Start temperature conversion on all devices simultaneously Set alarm low and high temperatures Disable alarm temperatures Search devices with alarm flag set

HAL library 05- OneWire for STM32Fxxx 15

HAL library 05- OneWire for STM32Fxxx

Next port from STM32F4xx STD drivers to STM32Fxxx HAL drivers was done for OneWire library. This library is protocol based only. It features basic functions for read/write byte, reset port and search devices on OneWire port. 1-Wire is a device communications bus system designed by Dallas Semiconductor Corp. that provides low-speed data, signaling, and power over a single signal. It’s used in some temperature sensors, like DS18B20 temp sensor and many others products from Dallas. Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features...

All STM32 HAL libraries 106

All STM32 HAL libraries

In this section, I will write all libraries based on HAL drivers from ST. If you see this first time, make sure you read this post first about how structure of my libs looks like! License All my softwares are published under MIT license. This means that you are allow to modify, share and use my source and other stuff in personal or commercial use. If you modify source code, it has to stay under GNU GPL v3 license too. I...

All STM32F4 libraries 128

All STM32F4 libraries

Because there is a lot of libraries I have done, I will make a table with all of my libraries at one place. When new library will be created, it will be posted here. These libraries work on both Discovery boards, if not, it will be specified. Actually, libraries should work on STM32F4xx series of microcontrollers if they have peripherals that are need for library. All STM32F4xx MCUs don’t have everything inside. 🙂 Libraries are tested on my 4 STM32F4...

Library 13- Reading temperature with Dallas DS18B20 on STM32F4 69

Library 13- Reading temperature with Dallas DS18B20 on STM32F4

In the last post, I show OneWire library. Today, I will use that library to show how to read temperature with Dallas’s temperature sensor DS18B20. DS18B20 Features 9 to 12 bits resolution -55°C to 125°C Celsius 64bit unique ROM number Alarm temperatures enable or disable Search devices with alarm flag set Can be parasite-powered Library Features Search sensors Read temperature Set resolution for each device Start temperature conversion on all devices simultaneously Set alarm low and high temperatures Disable alarm...