Tagged: pll

HAL library 01- RCC for STM32Fxxx 8

HAL library 01- RCC for STM32Fxxx

This is first description for libraries in HAL section for STM32F4 and F7 lines using HAL drivers provided from ST for each section. RCC (Reset and Clock Control) library is needed to set up clocks for running STM devices at high speed. It sets up PLL parameters provided from user and enables internal or external high speed clock. Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features Works on STM32F0xx, STM32F4xx and STM32F7xx series Enables HSE or HSI oscillator Sets PLL...

Library 59- Change PLL settings while STM32F4xx is running 4

Library 59- Change PLL settings while STM32F4xx is running

I’ve been already talking about topic, how to properly set clock speed for your device with PLL settings. This article could be found here and it is definetelly worth of readiny, especially for beginners. Today, it was very rainy and bad day, so I was thinking about a library that could dynamically change PLL settings. This can be used to change current consumption of your device if there is no need for very high speed clock for some time. Changing...

Overclock STM32F4 device up to 250MHz 21

Overclock STM32F4 device up to 250MHz

Let’s test what STM32F4xx devices can do. I have all “4 speed families” at home so why not to try it how fast we can go. By default, for those who don’t know max frequencies for STM32F4xx devices, they are in list below: 84MHz: STM32F401 MCUs, including Nucleo-F401 board 100MHz: STM32F411 MCUs, including Nucleo F411 board 168MHz: STM32F405/7 and STM32F415/17 MCUs, including STM32F4-Discovery board 180MHz: STM32F427/29 and STM32F437/39 MCUs, including STM32F429-Discovery board Ok, we have everything provided, let’s test how far...

Library 40- Output clocks from STM32F4 14

Library 40- Output clocks from STM32F4

STM32F4 has capability to output different clocks on specific 2 pins. You are able to output clocks in original frequency (no prescaler) and also with prescaler values 2, 3, 4 and 5. 2 pins are used to output different frequencies. They are not able to output the same clocks. You can output: MCO1 HSI: High Speed Internal oscillator, 16MHz RC HSE: High Speed External oscillator, or External User clock LSE: Low speed, 32768Hz oscillator or ceramic resonator PLLCLK: Output clock...

All STM32F4 tutorials 54

All STM32F4 tutorials

Sometime I made a tutorial how to work with something on STM32F4xx device, because is hard and pointless to make library for it for any reason. Tutorials are set to work at least with STM32F4xx devices. Tutorials NR Name Description 1 FIRST TIME First time with STM32F429 Discovery. Coocox project tutorial 2 KEIL UVISION Default project for Keil uVision to work with STM32F4 devices 3 PWM PWM tutorial for STM32F4xx 4 NVIC Nested vector interrupt controller tutorial 5 EXTI External...

All STM32F4 libraries 128

All STM32F4 libraries

Because there is a lot of libraries I have done, I will make a table with all of my libraries at one place. When new library will be created, it will be posted here. These libraries work on both Discovery boards, if not, it will be specified. Actually, libraries should work on STM32F4xx series of microcontrollers if they have peripherals that are need for library. All STM32F4xx MCUs don’t have everything inside. 🙂 Libraries are tested on my 4 STM32F4...