Tagged: STM32F4 discovery

Project 04- GPS Logger with STM32F4xx and USB flash drive 0

Project 04- GPS Logger with STM32F4xx and USB flash drive

It was nice Saturday day to try motor for first time this year for me. Using it with GPS logger, it was very fun to track myself where I drove for about half an hour. I’ve made a GPS data tracker using STM32F4-Discovery board. Project uses GPS device from ebay (UBLOX NEO-6M) and USB flash drive to store data onto. Project Project works with STM32F4- or STM32F429-Discovery boards. It was tested on F4-Discovery, because it has more LEDs than F429....

Library 57- Buttons for STM32F4xx 8

Library 57- Buttons for STM32F4xx

I had some free time so I made a new library for web. It can handle buttons, connected to your STM32F4xx device. It supports basically unlimited number of buttons with different triggering. Currently, callback functions can be called on these events: Button on pressed: Called directly when button is pressed Button normal press: Called when button is released after specific amount of time Button long press: Called when button is pressed for specific “long” amount of time It uses malloc()...

Library 54- General library for STM32F4xx devices 5

Library 54- General library for STM32F4xx devices

For 54th lib I decided to make it’s name to be “General”. With this name I mean that in this library, a lot of different stuff, maybe unrelated between, but very useful things will be implemented. It allows you to make software reset, get reset source, disable or enable global interrupts (NVIC) and more. It will be updated frequently but for now it’s just a start to use it in your projects. Library Features Support for software reset with callback...

Locked OTP Bytes 7

Library 49- One-Time programmable (OTP) bytes on STM32F4

STm32F4xx devices have OTP (One-Time-Programmable) bytes. They can be used for permanent store of configuration data for your device. Bytes are structured in 16 data blocks where each block has 32 data bytes of available memory. There is also 17th block with 16 bytes of data. His “work” is to store information about states of data block, because you can lock each block forever even if it is totally empty. Important notes: When you write data to specific OTP location...

Snake game on STM32F429-Discovery board 9

Project 02- Snake game for STM32F429-Discovery board

After first FFT project, I’ve decided to make a simple snake game. Basically I’ve made it in Labview first for my partial exam at the university. It looked great so why not port it also to STM32F429-Discovery board which has everything already prepared for us. You just need USB OTG cable and external keyboard to drive snakeĀ and you are ready to play. Snake game Features Works on STM32F429-Discovery board Supports external keyboard using USB HID Host stack on STM32 Supports...

Library 40- Output clocks from STM32F4 14

Library 40- Output clocks from STM32F4

STM32F4 has capability to output different clocks on specific 2 pins. You are able to output clocks in original frequency (no prescaler) and also with prescaler values 2, 3, 4 and 5. 2 pins are used to output different frequencies. They are not able to output the same clocks. You can output: MCO1 HSI: High Speed Internal oscillator, 16MHz RC HSE: High Speed External oscillator, or External User clock LSE: Low speed, 32768Hz oscillator or ceramic resonator PLLCLK: Output clock...