Daily Archive: April 19, 2014

Coocox IDE 15

STM32F429 inside CooCox CoIDE

Because STM32F429 is not supported by Coocox CoIDE with all of its features, I downloaded CMSIS files for STM32F429 from ST’s web site, version 1.3.0. I created a new project for STM32F407 and replaced files with downloaded for STM32F429. Now you can work with both discovery boards in Coocox, but I prefer working with Keil uVision (step-by-step tutorial for Keil uVision). Also, Coocox does not support 2MB flash yet, only for 1MB, what is fixed in Keil. All CMSIS files...

SPI diagram 118

Library 05- SPI for STM32F4

Let’s say something about SPI. SPI (or Serial Peripheral Interface) is a protocol named by Motorola. With him you can control sensors, SD card and much more. SPI protocol works in a ways where there is one master and multiple slaves, In other words, master is our STM32F429 Discovery board and let’s say, SD card is slave.