Daily Archive: October 19, 2014

Library 41- STDIO implementation for STM32F4 11

Library 41- STDIO implementation for STM32F4

After I made a tutorial on how to use printf with STM32F4, I decided to make a library for printf and other functions that are able to output data to the stream. This library allows you to basically use unlimited different output streams, but just one can be use with printf at a time. You can use other output functions, like fprintf, which accepts stream pointer as parameter to know where to output data. Library Features Output strings using printf...

Use printf to output stream on STM32F4 46

Use printf to output stream on STM32F4

It would be nice, if you can simply just use printf to direct output strings to USART, LCD, etc. With ARM C, you are able to do this. You just need to implement some things and you are ready to work. New STDIO library is available here. To enable printf functionality, first you need to create a new __FILE struct. This struct is then called with FILE struct. It can have only one dummy parameter, but it has to be created, because...