Monthly Archive: December 2014

Library 47- CRC module on STM32F4 5

Library 47- CRC module on STM32F4

STM32F4xx devices have CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) module inside. This is small and useful unit when working with communications. It might become very useful to verify if your packet of data is correct. STM32F4 devices uses “Ethernet” CRC with polynomial below: X32 + X26 + X23 + X22 + X16 + X12 + X11 + X10 +X8 + X7 + X5 + X4 + X2 + X +1 It is quite ugly šŸ˜€ Well, using this module is very easy....

Library 46- Debug STM32F4 device with SWO feature 43

Library 46- Debug STM32F4 device with SWO feature

All Cortex-M4 devices have feature to output different data for debugging. This can be used instead of one USART available in STM32F4 to display data to user when something is going wrong and you want use debug. STM32F4 has SWD (Serial Wire Debug) option for programming/debugging. All STM32 boards, which have ST-Link on board, uses this option. For programming, only clock and data lines are required. Full SWD also enables you to output something from MCU which debugging. This is...

Library 45- Interface backup SRAM on STM32F4 7

Library 45- Interface backup SRAM on STM32F4

Almost all (with few exceptions) STM32F4xx MCUs have internal backup SRAM, which stores data, if power is available at leastĀ on VbatĀ rails. These MCUs have internal 4-kBytes of SRAM.Ā Backup SRAM can be also used as EEPROM, if your Vbat supply is always active, so you can store data which will stay there also if you reset your device. You just have to make sure that you don’t shut down your power supply or re-write them during startup sequence of MCU. Difference...

STM32F4 identification example result 5

Library 44- STM32F4 unique ID and flash size

STM32F4xx devices have some parts in memory, which are read only and store some information about device. You can use them to protect your program if it is stolen from memory, or to tell programmer/debugger which device is connected with and detect flash size. This library covers 4 things you can read from device: Device signature Device signature is something that you probably want to know when you are working with some device. This feature returns you 16-bit length device...