Category: STM32F429

Library 14- Working with SDRAM on STM32F429 Discovery 53

Library 14- Working with SDRAM on STM32F429 Discovery

STM32F429 Discovery board has external 64Mbits or 8MBytes SDRAM chip ISSI IS42S16400. STM32F429 has a FMC (Flexible Memory Control) peripheral to driving external SDRAM with hardware. FMC hardware is able to store up to 32bits variables at same time. External SDRAM capatibilities Variable size Max value Max address Max variables stored 8bit 0xFF 0x7FFFFF 8388608 16bit 0xFFFF 0x7FFFFE 4194304 32bit 0xFFFFFFFF 0x7FFFFC 2097152 Note: This library does not work on STM32F4 Discovery, because this MCU does not have FMC peripheral....

Library 13- Reading temperature with Dallas DS18B20 on STM32F4 69

Library 13- Reading temperature with Dallas DS18B20 on STM32F4

In the last post, I show OneWire library. Today, I will use that library to show how to read temperature with Dallas’s temperature sensor DS18B20. DS18B20 Features 9 to 12 bits resolution -55°C to 125°C Celsius 64bit unique ROM number Alarm temperatures enable or disable Search devices with alarm flag set Can be parasite-powered Library Features Search sensors Read temperature Set resolution for each device Start temperature conversion on all devices simultaneously Set alarm low and high temperatures Disable alarm...

Library 12- OneWire library for STM32F4 34

Library 12- OneWire library for STM32F4

1-Wire is a device communications bus system designed by Dallas Semiconductor Corp. that provides low-speed data, signaling, and power over a single signal. It’s used in some temperature sensors, like DS18B20 temp sensor and many others products from Dallas. OneWire key features Single Contact Sufficient for Control and Operation Unique ID Factory-Lasered in Each Device Power Derived from Signal Bus (“Parasitically Powered”) Multidrop Capable: Supports Multiple Devices on Single Line Exceptional ESD Performance source: 17th May, 2014: There was some new functions added!...

PWM graph 136

STM32F4 PWM tutorial with TIMERs

In this tutorial, I will show you, how to implement PWM outputs on STM32F4xx devices. This is for a lot of people pretty hard work, but believe me, it’s quite quick and easy. I will go step by step on how to make a PWM output on specific timer. Update: I made a library for PWM, available here. STM32F4 timers They have up to 14 timers inside. Table below shows their description. You have to know, that let’s say F401 doesn’t...

ILI9341 Button library for STM32F4 52

Library 11- Button library for ILI9341 LCD and STMPE811 touch controller on STM32F429 Discovery board

Now we have both, LCD controller and touch controller configured and we can use this. For this purpose i made a library for buttons. This library can draw buttons on LCD and check if touch has been pressed on any enabled button. Library Features Set X and Y location of button Set button’s width and height By default 10 buttons are supported Use labels Custom background image or color Border around button Selectable font Disable/Enable button Selectable color for label,...

STMPE811 touch sensor on STM32F429-Discovery board 25

Library 10- STMPE811 Touch screen driver for STM32F429 Discovery board

STM32F429 Discovery board has LCD with ILI9341 controller and resistive touch screen with STMPE811 controller from STMicroelectonics. The STMPE811 is a 4-wire resistive touch screen controller with a GPIO (general purpose input/output) port expander able to interface a microcontroller or a main digital ASIC via I2C or SPI serial interface. The STMPE811 offers great flexibility, as each I/O can be configured as input, output or specific functions. The touch screen controller is enhanced with a movement tracking algorithm to avoid excessive...