Library 14- Working with SDRAM on STM32F429 Discovery
STM32F429 Discovery board has external 64Mbits or 8MBytes SDRAM chip ISSI IS42S16400. STM32F429 has a FMC (Flexible Memory Control) peripheral to driving external SDRAM with hardware. FMC hardware is able to store up to 32bits variables at same time. External SDRAM capatibilities Variable size Max value Max address Max variables stored 8bit 0xFF 0x7FFFFF 8388608 16bit 0xFFFF 0x7FFFFE 4194304 32bit 0xFFFFFFFF 0x7FFFFC 2097152 Note: This library does not work on STM32F4 Discovery, because this MCU does not have FMC peripheral....
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