Category: Uncategorized

C style and coding rules 0

C code style and coding rules

I’ve been trying to make my own C code style and coding rules approach, to be used in all my libs. From my first coding experience till today, I changed style many times, from first STM32F4 Library to latest projects, such as ESP_AT_Lib, onewire_uart and others.   Code style rules are published and regularly updated on my Github account, under c_code_style repository name. Please use URL below to access website: It was originally inspired by LwIP coding style with some modification....

ST acquries Atollic 0

ST acquired Atollic to enrich STM32 ecosystem

STMicroelectronics has acquired Atollic few days ago to enrich STM32 portfolio and ecosystem support for customers. Atollic is known by its very professional toosl for ARM based devices. It features free TrueSTUDIO Eclipse based IDE with GCC compiler and packet together with many great features developed by Atollic such as HardFault exception debugging tool, RTOS thread debugging and many other. This acquisition means that TrueSTUDIO will be now part of STM32Cube ecosystem and will be available for free for STM32...

New tutorials from user Slemi 0

New tutorials from user Slemi

User Slemi posted 2 tutorials on how to install SW4STM32 and how to install STM32CubeMX. Installing STM32CubeMX Installing System Workbench for STM32 SW4STM32 They are mainly written for total beginners and are step-by-step guide how to install. If you have troubles with installation, check above links.

SW4STM32 logo 33

Tutorial – How to use TM libraries with System Workbench for STM32

This tutorial will go step-by-step how to use my (TM) libraries with free SW4STM32 (System Workbech for STM32). This IDE is based on eclipse and it uses GCC compiler. Tutorial coverage Project template creation with STM32CubeMX software with correct clock setup, How to manually enable HAL modules from STM32Cube package How to add TM libraries to project and successfully compile it. First things first To avoid any misunderstanding and later troubles, please read this post how my HAL libraries are...

HAL Library 36- AHRS and IMU algorithms for calculating roll, pitch and yaw axes 1

HAL Library 36- AHRS and IMU algorithms for calculating roll, pitch and yaw axes

With this library, it is possible to calculate roll, pitch and yaw axes from 2 or 3 sensors. By using 2 sensors (Gyro and Accelerometer) you can use IMU or by adding Magnetic sensor, you can use AHRS algorithm to additionally stabilize outputs. Library is written in ANSI C and works on any device you want. It is not specifically set to be used by STM32 devices. Algorithms are developed by Sebastian Madgwick. For more info about these algorithms, you...

HAL Library 34- DSP FILTERS for STM32Fxxx 1

HAL Library 34- DSP FILTERS for STM32Fxxx

DSP FILTERS library is a group of wrapper functions to easily use official ARM Math libraries for DSP processing. It features ARM IIR Biquad-1 implementation and ARM FIR F32 implementations. Both are now designed for Floating point F32 data type. Library Read more about HAL libraries Features Supports FIR or IIR filters processing Supports unlimited FIR and IIR filters (limit is memory) Supports multiple IIR stages or custom FIR order