STM32F4 Discovery Blog

PWM graph 62

Library 33- PWM for STM32F4

I had enough of each time configuring PWM for some reason, so I decided to make a library for it. This library allows you to use PWM signal on all possible timers on all possible pins for timer. I made it for controling servos, but it can be used for anything else. PWM works in FAST PWM mode. You just set your PWM frequency, timer you will use, channel on timer and you are ready to go. If you need...

All STM32F4 tutorials 54

All STM32F4 tutorials

Sometime I made a tutorial how to work with something on STM32F4xx device, because is hard and pointless to make library for it for any reason. Tutorials are set to work at least with STM32F4xx devices. Tutorials NR Name Description 1 FIRST TIME First time with STM32F429 Discovery. Coocox project tutorial 2 KEIL UVISION Default project for Keil uVision to work with STM32F4 devices 3 PWM PWM tutorial for STM32F4xx 4 NVIC Nested vector interrupt controller tutorial 5 EXTI External...

Matrix keypad on STM32F4 42

Library 32- Matrix keypad on STM32F4

I have about 10 matrix keypads from ebay, like this or this. They are nice, because with 8 pins I can control 16 buttons in matrix way. I made a really simple library to handle pressed button and use it in projects. Library supports long pressed button. This feature works like on PC. You can adjust refresh rate how fast this works. Everything is below. Library Features Interface with 3 x 4 or 4 x 4 matrix keypad Supports long...

Library 31- USB HID Host for STM32F4 87

Library 31- USB HID Host for STM32F4

USB HID (or Human Input Device) is a library, that allows you to read mouse or keyboard data with your STM32F4xx device. So you can use keyboard to write characters to STM32F4xx or use mouse for LCD or any other stuff. Library Features Interface with USB mouse 3 buttons and movement supported Interface with USB keyboard QWERTY or AZERTY supported

HC-SR04 sensor on STM32F4xx device 29

Library 30- Measure distance with HC-SR04 and STM32F4

I have at least 10 HC-SR04 sensors at home so I decided to made a library for it. This sensor can measure distance between 2cm and 4meters. It can produce about 40 measurements per second. His working angle is about 15degrees, On the start, you have to send 10us starting pulse at TRIGGER pin. After that, on ECHO pin high pulse is returned in relation to the distance. Large distance means large high signal. You have to give sensor some time...

USB Flash drive on STM32F4 109

Library 29- USB MSC HOST for USB flash drive on STM32F4

Recently I made a library to read SD cards with FatFs by Chan. Today, I made a new library for USB MSC Host and connect both libraries together, so you can operate with USB flash drives and SD cards simultaneously with STM32F4xx device. USB MSC Host library is a separate library, to handle and do stuff with USB stack. You will also need my FatFS library for SD cards. I will go here step by step, how to configure this...