STM32F4 Discovery Blog

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Tutorial – How to use TM libraries with System Workbench for STM32

This tutorial will go step-by-step how to use my (TM) libraries with free SW4STM32 (System Workbech for STM32). This IDE is based on eclipse and it uses GCC compiler. Tutorial coverage Project template creation with STM32CubeMX software with correct clock setup, How to manually enable HAL modules from STM32Cube package How to add TM libraries to project and successfully compile it. First things first To avoid any misunderstanding and later troubles, please read this post how my HAL libraries are...

New libraries: ESP8266 AT, GSM AT and GPS NMEA parsers 18

New libraries: ESP8266 AT, GSM AT and GPS NMEA parsers

In the past few weeks, I was working on 3 new generic libraries, specially intended for embedded systems. Libraries are: ESP8266 AT parser version 2 GSM AT parser for SIMcom modules (SIM800, SIM900, etc) GPS NMEA parser for parsing NMEA statements from GPS output Each library is written in a way where user must prepare additional coding to support arhitecture where it is used. They are written in ANSII C and will work on any compiler which is in ANSII...

HAL Library 36- AHRS and IMU algorithms for calculating roll, pitch and yaw axes 1

HAL Library 36- AHRS and IMU algorithms for calculating roll, pitch and yaw axes

With this library, it is possible to calculate roll, pitch and yaw axes from 2 or 3 sensors. By using 2 sensors (Gyro and Accelerometer) you can use IMU or by adding Magnetic sensor, you can use AHRS algorithm to additionally stabilize outputs. Library is written in ANSI C and works on any device you want. It is not specifically set to be used by STM32 devices. Algorithms are developed by Sebastian Madgwick. For more info about these algorithms, you...

HAL Library 35- GPS parser for STM32Fxxx 8

HAL Library 35- GPS parser for STM32Fxxx

GPS library is a generic NMEA GPS parser for STM32Fxxx devices. Library Read more about HAL libraries Features Parse GPS data Supported NMEA 0183 standard Works with GPGGA, GPRMC, GPGSA, GPGSV NMEA statements Calculate distance between 2 coordinates Calculate bearing between 2 coordinates Allows you to select custom NMEA statements

HAL Library 34- DSP FILTERS for STM32Fxxx 1

HAL Library 34- DSP FILTERS for STM32Fxxx

DSP FILTERS library is a group of wrapper functions to easily use official ARM Math libraries for DSP processing. It features ARM IIR Biquad-1 implementation and ARM FIR F32 implementations. Both are now designed for Floating point F32 data type. Library Read more about HAL libraries Features Supports FIR or IIR filters processing Supports unlimited FIR and IIR filters (limit is memory) Supports multiple IIR stages or custom FIR order

IC Locker – Online inventory for your IC components 4

IC Locker – Online inventory for your IC components

I have started with new project, called IC-Locker for storing electronic components in online inventory and manage them properly so you always know how many components you have, which one you need to order and many more. Start on website. Some key features on this project are listed below: Easily manage your collections of components so you always know what you are missing. Share your collections with your colleagues and coworkers. Organize all components by elements, categories, properties and...