STM32F4 Discovery Blog

HAL Library 33- DMA extension for SPI on STM32Fxxx 21

HAL Library 33- DMA extension for SPI on STM32Fxxx

SPI DMA library allows you to send and receive data via SPI in non-blocking mode. It can be use for TX only, RX only or both (transmissing mode). This library is extension for my SPI library. It requires SPI library as basic to make this to work. Library Read more about HAL libraries Features SPI extension for non-blocking TX, RX or both modes Supports all SPI peripherals on STM32F4 and STM32F7 device Supports interrupt processing Allows you to start DMA transmissing and wait till done This is...

HAL Library 32- DMA extension for USART on STM32Fxxx 2

HAL Library 32- DMA extension for USART on STM32Fxxx

USART DMA library allows you to send data via USART in non-blocking mode. It is designed only for TX mode, because my USART library already uses RX interrupts and DMA RX is not necessary for that purpose. This library is extension for my USART library. It requires USART library as basic to make this to work. Library Read more about HAL libraries Features USART extension for non-blocking TX mode Supports all U(S)ART peripherals on STM32F4 and STM32F7 device Supports TX...

HAL Library 31- DMA for STM32Fxxx devices 1

HAL Library 31- DMA for STM32Fxxx devices

It’s been a while since last published library. From that time, I got some requests about making DMA library for HAL and later using this library with USART, SPI, ADC and more libraries. So I’ve made a first step in DMA libraries list. Basic “root” library for DMA process has been created for managing things with DMA streams for STM32F4 and STM32F7 devices. What else it supports, you should check below. Library Read more about HAL libraries Features Root library...

ESP8266 AT Commands parser 6

ESP8266 AT Commands parser

ESP8266 AT Commands parser is a generic, platform independent, library for communicating with ESP8266 Wi-Fi module using AT commands. Module is written in ANSI C (C89) and is independent from used platform. It’s main targets are embedded system devices like ARM Cortex-M, AVR, PIC and so on. Features Platform independent with separate low level functions for used platform with some basic configurations, Written in ANSI C (C89), Supports full communication with ESP8266 and AT commands software provided by Espressif systems,...

ESP8266 AT parser library ALPHA version released 5

ESP8266 AT parser library ALPHA version released

After some time, I have uploaded first release “ALPHA” for testing. Library is not public, but it is precompiled for GCC and MDK-ARM for STM32F4xx only.   To see, how to use library, download my Github repository and open project in keil uVision. If you don’t have it, you can use main.c to see how to use library. Notes HEAP must be at least 16k for proper working at the moment STACK must be at least 1k for proper working I...

AT commands parser for ESP8266 50

AT commands parser for ESP8266

Hello everyone, ESP8266 with AT commands software from Espressif is now more stable than every, so I’m thinking to make a “strong” AT commands parser library for STM32 series of microcontrollers. If there well be an interest, I can do a generic library (like FATFS) to make usable on others microcontrollers too. So I’m thinking about these commands: Basic commands for settings up ESP module, including UART settings, Wifi name and more Basic AT commands for setting up ESP mode...