Tagged: button


EasyGUI preview on STM32F7-Discovery

Last 2 months I was working hard to build a platform independent graphical user interface library for embedded systems. I called it EasyGUI because idea behind is very simple library with support for custom user based widgets with touch and keyboard support. So far I built these features: Unlimited widgets (limited to RAM memory) Support for widgets which support children widgets (windows, panels, etc) Support for touch and keyboard events Support for UTF-8 encode and decode functions Support for custom...

HAL Library 13- Buttons for STM32Fxxx 1

HAL Library 13- Buttons for STM32Fxxx

New port. Buttons library for HAL based libraries. It can handle buttons, connected to your STM32Fxxx devices. It supports basically unlimited number of buttons with different triggering. Currently, callback functions can be called on these events: Button on pressed: Called directly when button is pressed Button normal press: Called when button is released after specific amount of time Button long press: Called when button is pressed for specific “long” amount of time It uses malloc() to allocate memory, so you...

HAL library 2- LEDS and BUTTON for STM32 boards 3

HAL library 2- LEDS and BUTTON for STM32 boards

Next library in series in disco library for controlling leds and reading button state on various STM32F0, STM32F4 and STM32F7 boards. Supported boards: STM32F401-Discovery STM32F4-Discovery STM32F411-Discovery STM32F429-Discovery STM32F439-EVAL, STM32F401-Nucleo STM32F411-Nucleo STM32F446-Nucleo STM32F091-Nucleo STM32F7-Discovery Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features Set LED state Read LED state Read button state Dependencies HAL TM STM32Fxxx HAL defines.h Library required settings In order to tell which board you use, you have to set some defines for it. These defines are also used in other...

All STM32 HAL libraries 106

All STM32 HAL libraries

In this section, I will write all libraries based on HAL drivers from ST. If you see this first time, make sure you read this post first about how structure of my libs looks like! License All my softwares are published under MIT license. This means that you are allow to modify, share and use my source and other stuff in personal or commercial use. If you modify source code, it has to stay under GNU GPL v3 license too. I...

Project 04- GPS Logger with STM32F4xx and USB flash drive 0

Project 04- GPS Logger with STM32F4xx and USB flash drive

It was nice Saturday day to try motor for first time this year for me. Using it with GPS logger, it was very fun to track myself where I drove for about half an hour. I’ve made a GPS data tracker using STM32F4-Discovery board. Project uses GPS device from ebay (UBLOX NEO-6M) and USB flash drive to store data onto. Project Project works with STM32F4- or STM32F429-Discovery boards. It was tested on F4-Discovery, because it has more LEDs than F429....

Library 57- Buttons for STM32F4xx 8

Library 57- Buttons for STM32F4xx

I had some free time so I made a new library for web. It can handle buttons, connected to your STM32F4xx device. It supports basically unlimited number of buttons with different triggering. Currently, callback functions can be called on these events: Button on pressed: Called directly when button is pressed Button normal press: Called when button is released after specific amount of time Button long press: Called when button is pressed for specific “long” amount of time It uses malloc()...