Tagged: gpio tutorial

HD44780 LCD Example 107

Library 16- Interfacing HD44780 LCD controller with STM32F4

16th library is here. We will interfacing HD44780 (and its compatible) driver for alpha-numeric LCDs. Library supports up to 20 x 4 LCD size. It was tested with 20 x 4 (on picture) and with 16 x 2. HD44780 Library Features 4bit operation mode Minimum GPIOs used (6) Supports different LCD sizes Supports up to 8 custom characters Enable/disable cursor blinking Show/hide cursor Shift content in ram left/right Connection pins to board are user selectable Automatically jumps to new line...

ILI9341 Button library for STM32F4 52

Library 11- Button library for ILI9341 LCD and STMPE811 touch controller on STM32F429 Discovery board

Now we have both, LCD controller and touch controller configured and we can use this. For this purpose i made a library for buttons. This library can draw buttons on LCD and check if touch has been pressed on any enabled button. Library Features Set X and Y location of button Set button’s width and height By default 10 buttons are supported Use labels Custom background image or color Border around button Selectable font Disable/Enable button Selectable color for label,...

STM32F429I-Discovery board 66

Library 02- STM32F429 Discovery GPIO tutorial with onboard leds and button

Your first blinky project works, but you don’t know how? I will explain GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) CMSIS Library. This library is used to work with physical pins on microcontroller. You can set pins to input or output, put them low (0 volts) or HIGH (3,3 volts), select pull resistors, choose output type and select clock speed.