Tagged: nucleo

Library 59- Change PLL settings while STM32F4xx is running 4

Library 59- Change PLL settings while STM32F4xx is running

I’ve been already talking about topic, how to properly set clock speed for your device with PLL settings. This article could be found here and it is definetelly worth of readiny, especially for beginners. Today, it was very rainy and bad day, so I was thinking about a library that could dynamically change PLL settings. This can be used to change current consumption of your device if there is no need for very high speed clock for some time. Changing...

Library 58- Dynamic strings on STM32F4xx 0

Library 58- Dynamic strings on STM32F4xx

Have you ever been in position where you need to store some string informations just for a small amount of time? Did you reserve ram memory before you worked with strings? If you did it like that, than this library might be a solution for you. This library was designed directly for a purpose where you need to store your information for a few time. For example, getting some string informations from your sensor, USART, etc. It uses malloc and...

STM32F4 identification example result 5

Library 44- STM32F4 unique ID and flash size

STM32F4xx devices have some parts in memory, which are read only and store some information about device. You can use them to protect your program if it is stolen from memory, or to tell programmer/debugger which device is connected with and detect flash size. This library covers 4 things you can read from device: Device signature Device signature is something that you probably want to know when you are working with some device. This feature returns you 16-bit length device...

Overclock STM32F4 device up to 250MHz 21

Overclock STM32F4 device up to 250MHz

Let’s test what STM32F4xx devices can do. I have all “4 speedĀ families” at home so why not to try it how fast we can go. By default, for those who don’t know max frequencies for STM32F4xx devices, they are in list below: 84MHz: STM32F401 MCUs, including Nucleo-F401 board 100MHz: STM32F411 MCUs, including Nucleo F411 board 168MHz: STM32F405/7 and STM32F415/17 MCUs, including STM32F4-Discovery board 180MHz: STM32F427/29 and STM32F437/39 MCUs, including STM32F429-Discovery board Ok, we have everything provided, let’s test how far...

Project 03- STM32F4xx PID controller 33

Project 03- STM32F4xx PID controller

CMSIS files from ARM provides ARM Math functions. There are also PID controller functions in different formats for f32, q31 and q7. This tutorial/project will talk about how to implement PID controller on STM32F4xx using PID functions from ARM. PID Controller Fast about PID controller. PID stands for Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller. This is a control loop feedback mechanism widely used in industrial control systems. It calculates the error between measured value and the desired setpoint value. According to the error, it...

Library 40- Output clocks from STM32F4 14

Library 40- Output clocks from STM32F4

STM32F4 has capability to output different clocks on specific 2 pins. You are able to output clocks in original frequency (no prescaler) and also with prescaler values 2, 3, 4 and 5. 2 pins are used to output different frequencies. They are not able to output the same clocks. You can output: MCO1 HSI: High Speed Internal oscillator, 16MHz RC HSE: High Speed External oscillator, or External User clock LSE: Low speed, 32768Hz oscillator or ceramic resonator PLLCLK: Output clock...