Tagged: step-by-step

Getting started with STM32 step-by-step 0

Getting started with STM32 step-by-step

STMicroelectronics recently launched STM32 step-by-step learning program to educate and speed-up learning curve. It is ready for beginners and everyone interested to learn STM32 ARM-Cortex-M based microcontrollers together with its ecosystem around microcontroller itself. From beginner to pro in 5 steps Step 1: Pre-requisites: In this part, user must install all required software tools and make sure it has board for further development Step 2: LED blinking using STM32CubeMx and NUCLEO-L476RG development board Step 3: UART interface on NUCLEO-L476RG and L475 IoT...

Program STM32F4 with UART 14

Program STM32F4 with UART

STM32F4 devices have great feature. They can be programed with only USB to UART converter. Each device has bootloader inside, which supports UART programming. This is not very great method for Discovery boards, because they have better and faster solution on board, ST-link. But if you are working own board, then this solution can be quite nice. In this tutorial, I will go through step-by-step how to program device with USB->UART converter. I will use FTDI’s home made converter. This...

CMSIS - Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard 198

STM32F4/29 Discovery with CMSIS library in Keil uVision

From this moment, I will use in my projects Keil uVision. It’s true, that Coocox is free, but it has some bugs, which are great fixed in Keil. Keil has some limitations for free (32KB flash support, no optimization) version, but for our examples and libraries, it is just fine. For updates, look at my Github projects repository, where are all projects and libraries. There is no included my libraries in bottom project, you have to download it manually from Github. All...

Coocox IDE 15

STM32F429 inside CooCox CoIDE

Because STM32F429 is not supported by Coocox CoIDE with all of its features, I downloaded CMSIS files for STM32F429 from ST’s web site, version 1.3.0. I created a new project for STM32F407 and replaced files with downloaded for STM32F429. Now you can work with both discovery boards in Coocox, but I prefer working with Keil uVision (step-by-step tutorial for Keil uVision). Also, Coocox does not support 2MB flash yet, only for 1MB, what is fixed in Keil. All CMSIS files...