Tagged: stm32f7

STM32 tutorial: Efficiently receive UART data using DMA 23

STM32 tutorial: Efficiently receive UART data using DMA

Latest updates and examples are available at my official Github repository. STM32 + UART + DMA RX + unknown length This repository may give you information about how to read data on UART by using DMA when number of bytes to receive is not known in advance. In STM32 microcontroller family, U(S)ART reception can work in different modes: Polling mode (no DMA, no IRQ): Application must poll for status bits to check if new character has been received and read...


EasyGUI preview on STM32F7-Discovery

Last 2 months I was working hard to build a platform independent graphical user interface library for embedded systems. I called it EasyGUI because idea behind is very simple library with support for custom user based widgets with touch and keyboard support. So far I built these features: Unlimited widgets (limited to RAM memory) Support for widgets which support children widgets (windows, panels, etc) Support for touch and keyboard events Support for UTF-8 encode and decode functions Support for custom...

HAL Library 32- DMA extension for USART on STM32Fxxx 2

HAL Library 32- DMA extension for USART on STM32Fxxx

USART DMA library allows you to send data via USART in non-blocking mode. It is designed only for TX mode, because my USART library already uses RX interrupts and DMA RX is not necessary for that purpose. This library is extension for my USART library. It requires USART library as basic to make this to work. Library Read more about HAL libraries Features USART extension for non-blocking TX mode Supports all U(S)ART peripherals on STM32F4 and STM32F7 device Supports TX...

HAL Library 31- DMA for STM32Fxxx devices 1

HAL Library 31- DMA for STM32Fxxx devices

It’s been a while since last published library. From that time, I got some requests about making DMA library for HAL and later using this library with USART, SPI, ADC and more libraries. So I’ve made a first step in DMA libraries list. Basic “root” library for DMA process has been created for managing things with DMA streams for STM32F4 and STM32F7 devices. What else it supports, you should check below. Library Read more about HAL libraries Features Root library...

MPU-6050 6-axes gyroscope and accelerometer 1

HAL Library 30- MPU6050 for STM32Fxxx

After MPU6050 library for STM32F4xx series only based on STM32F4xx Standard peripheral drivers, I’ve redesign this library for HAL support over all STM32 series. It has some more features then my first library. It can now read data from MPU6050 (obvious), set interrupts for data ready and motion detection, read interrupts status, set custom data rate for data ready interrupt and set new gyro and accelerometer sensitivities on the fly. More about lib is describe below and on HAL API site. Library...

HAL Library 29- Analog to Digital converter for STM32Fxxx 1

HAL Library 29- Analog to Digital converter for STM32Fxxx

Analog to digital converter library is out. It was a lot of time before I thought why I don’t have this basic library where anyone would use it. Now i exists. This library works on STM32F0xx, STM32F4xx and STM32F7xx based devices. Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features It uses basic polling for ADC complete Supports VBAT reading Does not get high sampling rates Meant for basic use