Tagged: tilz0r

HD44780 LCD Example 107

Library 16- Interfacing HD44780 LCD controller with STM32F4

16th library is here. We will interfacing HD44780 (and its compatible) driver for alpha-numeric LCDs. Library supports up to 20 x 4 LCD size. It was tested with 20 x 4 (on picture) and with 16 x 2. HD44780 Library Features 4bit operation mode Minimum GPIOs used (6) Supports different LCD sizes Supports up to 8 custom characters Enable/disable cursor blinking Show/hide cursor Shift content in ram left/right Connection pins to board are user selectable Automatically jumps to new line...

All STM32F4 libraries 128

All STM32F4 libraries

Because there is a lot of libraries I have done, I will make a table with all of my libraries at one place. When new library will be created, it will be posted here. These libraries work on both Discovery boards, if not, it will be specified. Actually, libraries should work on STM32F4xx series of microcontrollers if they have peripherals that are need for library. All STM32F4xx MCUs don’t have everything inside. 🙂 Libraries are tested on my 4 STM32F4...