Author: tilz0R

HAL library 04- EXTI for STM32Fxxx 9

HAL library 04- EXTI for STM32Fxxx

EXTI library is used to set GPIO pin as external interrupt. It is designed to easily enable/disable interrupt and handle irq requests. If you don’t know how EXTI works on STM32F4 or STM32F7 lines, you should take a look here. Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features Allows up to 16 external interrupts at a time Allows to setup rising or falling edge for pin Allows to disable interrupt Single function for interrupt handling Works for STM32F0, STM32F4 and...

HAL library 3- DELAY for STM32Fxxx 17

HAL library 3- DELAY for STM32Fxxx

Delay functions are needed in your program, no matter how optimized and fast program you wanna do. Delay functions I’ve updated my delay library to support milliseconds and microseconds delays. Milliseconds based delay is done using systick timer which makes interrupts every 1ms generated by HAL library. For microseconds based delay, DWT cycle counter is used to get maximal optimized delay. DWT unit is for F4 and F7 only, F0 series does not have DWT, because of Cortex-M0. Software timers...

HAL library 2- LEDS and BUTTON for STM32 boards 3

HAL library 2- LEDS and BUTTON for STM32 boards

Next library in series in disco library for controlling leds and reading button state on various STM32F0, STM32F4 and STM32F7 boards. Supported boards: STM32F401-Discovery STM32F4-Discovery STM32F411-Discovery STM32F429-Discovery STM32F439-EVAL, STM32F401-Nucleo STM32F411-Nucleo STM32F446-Nucleo STM32F091-Nucleo STM32F7-Discovery Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features Set LED state Read LED state Read button state Dependencies HAL TM STM32Fxxx HAL defines.h Library required settings In order to tell which board you use, you have to set some defines for it. These defines are also used in other...

HAL library 1.5- GPIO for STM32Fxxx 6

HAL library 1.5- GPIO for STM32Fxxx

GPIO library is second mainly used library in your project. It is designed to be very easily used for initializing GPIO pins without making sure if clock is enabled or not because this will library do for you. It can init pin as normal or alternate with passing alternate function, it can deinit pin to set it as analog input, it can read pin, set pin and more. Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features Initialize pins with single...

HAL library 01- RCC for STM32Fxxx 8

HAL library 01- RCC for STM32Fxxx

This is first description for libraries in HAL section for STM32F4 and F7 lines using HAL drivers provided from ST for each section. RCC (Reset and Clock Control) library is needed to set up clocks for running STM devices at high speed. It sets up PLL parameters provided from user and enables internal or external high speed clock. Library Read more about new HAL libraries Features Works on STM32F0xx, STM32F4xx and STM32F7xx series Enables HSE or HSI oscillator Sets PLL...

All STM32 HAL libraries 106

All STM32 HAL libraries

In this section, I will write all libraries based on HAL drivers from ST. If you see this first time, make sure you read this post first about how structure of my libs looks like! License All my softwares are published under MIT license. This means that you are allow to modify, share and use my source and other stuff in personal or commercial use. If you modify source code, it has to stay under GNU GPL v3 license too. I...