Tagged: tx

STM32U5 – DMA for UART TX and RX 0

STM32U5 – DMA for UART TX and RX

STMicroelectronics last STM32 release was with STM32U5 series, in Q4 2021. Product focus are extreme ultra-low-power features, enhanced security, integration, size and performance. Its advanced integration and performance options are key driver for new innovative silicon IPs. Product integrates new and most advanced DMA block ever seen in any of STM32 lines. Online training is available here. Key new DMA features Linked List : Define next configuration after first has been completed Option to work in low-power modes Selectable buses...

HAL Library 33- DMA extension for SPI on STM32Fxxx 21

HAL Library 33- DMA extension for SPI on STM32Fxxx

SPI DMA library allows you to send and receive data via SPI in non-blocking mode. It can be use for TX only, RX only or both (transmissing mode). This library is extension for my SPI library. It requires SPI library as basic to make this to work. Library Read more about HAL libraries Features SPI extension for non-blocking TX, RX or both modes Supports all SPI peripherals on STM32F4 and STM32F7 device Supports interrupt processing Allows you to start DMA transmissing and wait till done This is...

Library 55- Extend USART with TX DMA 11

Library 55- Extend USART with TX DMA

Here is a great feature for USART. I’ve made an extension library for USART (and for SPI will come soon) to use DMA for TX data using USART. This can be very handy to use if you have a lot of work and not so many time using your STM32F4 device. I was thinking first about adding DMA RX functionality for USART too. But then I realize that my USART library by default uses RXNE (RX Not Empty) interrupt and...