Category: STM32F4

Library 03- STM32F4 system clock and delay functions 37

Library 03- STM32F4 system clock and delay functions

In first tutorial about discovery board we were blinking led. But I said nothing about system clock speed. In while loop we just use

for some delay, to actually see how led was blinking. We didn’t know at which clock speed our processors work and for first time, I think you didn’t even ask yourself.

STM32F429I-Discovery board 66

Library 02- STM32F429 Discovery GPIO tutorial with onboard leds and button

Your first blinky project works, but you don’t know how? I will explain GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) CMSIS Library. This library is used to work with physical pins on microcontroller. You can set pins to input or output, put them low (0 volts) or HIGH (3,3 volts), select pull resistors, choose output type and select clock speed.