Category: STM32F4

CPU load monitor for STM32F4xx 0

CPU load monitor for STM32F4xx

I’ve been searching for a simple CPU load monitor on STM32F4xx device. Today, I’ve managed to get one very, very primitive CPU load monitor for these devices. Check library here. STM32F4xx have built-in DWT (Data Watchpoint and Trace unit) which has several timers there. 2 of them are cycle counter and sleep counter. The first counts number of CPU cycles and the second counts number of cycles where CPU was sleeping. It would be very easy to get CPU load,...

Library 59- Change PLL settings while STM32F4xx is running 4

Library 59- Change PLL settings while STM32F4xx is running

I’ve been already talking about topic, how to properly set clock speed for your device with PLL settings. This article could be found here and it is definetelly worth of readiny, especially for beginners. Today, it was very rainy and bad day, so I was thinking about a library that could dynamically change PLL settings. This can be used to change current consumption of your device if there is no need for very high speed clock for some time. Changing...

Library 58- Dynamic strings on STM32F4xx 0

Library 58- Dynamic strings on STM32F4xx

Have you ever been in position where you need to store some string informations just for a small amount of time? Did you reserve ram memory before you worked with strings? If you did it like that, than this library might be a solution for you. This library was designed directly for a purpose where you need to store your information for a few time. For example, getting some string informations from your sensor, USART, etc. It uses malloc and...

FatFs library extended for SDRAM 6

FatFs library extended for SDRAM

As mentioned at the beginning of post about FATFS with SDCARD, I’ve updated library to extend support for SDRAM on STM32F429-Discovery or STM324x9-EVAL board. Low level functions have been added in library for write/read data ti SDRAM. SDRAM set up To use SDRAM with my FATFS library, you will need to include my SDRAM library, which implements low level functions for read/write in SDRAM and initialization process.  Next thing, you need to do, is to open defines.h configuration file and...

Project 04- GPS Logger with STM32F4xx and USB flash drive 0

Project 04- GPS Logger with STM32F4xx and USB flash drive

It was nice Saturday day to try motor for first time this year for me. Using it with GPS logger, it was very fun to track myself where I drove for about half an hour. I’ve made a GPS data tracker using STM32F4-Discovery board. Project uses GPS device from ebay (UBLOX NEO-6M) and USB flash drive to store data onto. Project Project works with STM32F4- or STM32F429-Discovery boards. It was tested on F4-Discovery, because it has more LEDs than F429....

Library 57- Buttons for STM32F4xx 8

Library 57- Buttons for STM32F4xx

I had some free time so I made a new library for web. It can handle buttons, connected to your STM32F4xx device. It supports basically unlimited number of buttons with different triggering. Currently, callback functions can be called on these events: Button on pressed: Called directly when button is pressed Button normal press: Called when button is released after specific amount of time Button long press: Called when button is pressed for specific “long” amount of time It uses malloc()...